All About Us


Here's what you need to know about us!

I'm Melodieann Whiteley, Founder of Ninja Marketers. I'm a successful network marketer.


Coach. Trainer. 

But most importantly...I'm a Certified Social Media Marketing Expert

And that means I've invested a lot of time....

And a fair amount of money....

Into learning how to use social media to market my business efficiently and effectively.

Now I'm ready to do the same for yours!

I've been in the home business arena for over 20 years. 

How have I lasted so long when so many others quit?

I discovered something called "Attraction Marketing".

What's that?

It's attracting prospects to you who are already interested in what you have to offer.

Did you get the important part of that? You are attracting prospects to you that are ALREADY INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER!


And when you combine attraction marketing principles with social media marketing techniques that WORK...

The result is free leads, increased prospects, and yes...SALES!

Without spending a fortune on paid advertising.

I know what you're thinking...

If this really works, why am I sharing what I know with other entrepreneurs.

Even my competitors

Well, it's simple really...

As my business continued to grow and I met more people on other teams, in other companies, and even in other businesses, one thing became clear.

Most of them were lost, confused, and ready to quit.

That's when I started looking for a social media marketing agency I could refer my contacts to. 

I found plenty! It's a growing business! And most of them appeared to be very good at what they do. There is just one small problem. They're EXPENSIVE!

Now I don't know about you, but I don't think most home business owners can afford to spend a ton of money outsourcing their marketing. While these agencies are good, they just don't fit the reality of most home businesses.

That's when I decided to create a series of affordable trainings and products designed to help not only my team, but any online entrepreneur build their business

So that's it about us. We're here to help you.

We have courses.

We have coaching programs.

We have products.

All designed to help you succeed.

But if you're just not ready for that, we have other options.

We have a newsletter filled with great info.

We have a blog...also filled with great info!

We have a YouTube Channel.

We have not one, but two Facebook groups where you can come and learn.

Ninja Marketers for anyone who wants to learn more about marketing.

And The Rebel Tribe exclusively for the ladies who want to level up their lifestyle and defy the norm!

Now the choice is yours.

Choose the skills you want to learn.

Choose the products you want to purchase.

Or just join our newsletter and Facebook groups and soak up all the free info we offer. 

Just don't give up! Success is actually closer than you think!


 I know....newsletters are so last year. What can I say? I'm into vintage. And stuff that works! Like email. So if you really want to learn all about attraction marketing, you might want to sign up for my newsletter. Because that's where I share the good stuff.

Don't worry...your info is safe with me. I hate SPAM just as much as you do.